We happen to have the wonderful opportunity and pleasure of meeting the very sweet owners of another 1959 Crown. Their bus was not a school bus but a public transit city bus so the windows and some other details were different form that of our own Crown.
They purchased their Crown about 10 years ago as an already converted camper. They are getting ready to start some updating and allowed us to come by and take some pictures as it is right now. We wanted to share them with you so here they are!
She is a retired international pilot for Delta and he is a retired professor with a PhD in Micro Biology and also happens to convert the insides of vintage radios to present day components in his free time, ( he has even done some radios for some members of the Eagles) so you get the best of both worlds!
As you can tell this bus is in good hands with its husband and wife owners. We would like to say "Thank You for the opportunity, and we can't wait to see the updates!"